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Generic Statuses

The most common statuses for Control-O/COSMOS-controlled objects, are UP, DOWN and UNKNOWN. Different terminology may be appropriate for some object types. For this reason, Control-O/COSMOS allows specification of different UP, DOWN and UNKNOWN values in member COSMOLST for each Object database. For example, objects in a certain database may have a status of ONLINE or ACTIVE instead of UP, a value of OFFLINE or INACTIVE instead of DOWN, and a value of NOTFOUND instead of UNKNOWN.

When comparing an object’s current and desired statuses with rows in the Method database, Control-O/COSMOS first attempts to match the actual status name (for example, ONLINE or OFFLINE). However if UP, DOWN or UNKNOWN is specified in the Method database, this results in return of a partial match. Control-O/COSMOS also matches any status beginning with the characters UP and DOWN with statuses UP and DOWN respectively.

During the search for a method to change an object’s status, an exact match of status names (for example, ONLINE to ONLINE) is assigned a higher priority than a match to a generic status name (for example, ONLINE to UP). For more information, see Method Selection Logic.

Parent Topic

Creating and Maintaining Method Databases