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Control-O/COSMOS Workflow

Normally Control-O/COSMOS brings objects to a predefined desired status during IPL. However, the production environment is dynamic, and the desired status of objects can change. The following workflow is therefore used to manage Control-O/COSMOS-controlled objects:

Figure 9 Control-O/COSMOS Workflow

  1. Control-O/COSMOS periodically scans the Object database.
  2. If an object has a current status of UP and a desired status of DOWN, or vice versa, Control-O/COSMOS scans the Prerequisite database to determine the prerequisites for a change to the desired status, and then checks the relevant Object databases to determine if the prerequisites are satisfied.

    If prerequisites for an object are not satisfied, no action is performed on that object.

  3. Control-O/COSMOS scans the Method database to determine the method for changing the status of the object to its desired status.

    If no method is found that matches an object in its desired status, no action is performed on the object.

  4. If an appropriate method is found, Control-O/COSMOS triggers the Control-O/COSMOS rule that performs the method.

User requests (for example, Control-O/COSMOS commands or options in a Control-O/COSMOS online screen) can also be used to trigger rules that modify the contents of a Control-O/COSMOS Object database.

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