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Control-O/COSMOS Object Status Screen – Selection Criteria

The Control-O/COSMOS Object Status screen enables management of Control-O/COSMOS-controlled objects on an individual basis. For example, this screen can be used to view object status or to change the Control-O/COSMOS mode for an object.

To display the Object Status screen, specify S (Select) to the left of option OBJECT in the Control-O/COSMOS Main menu and press ENTER. The following Selection Criteria window is displayed:

Figure 2 Object Status Screen

----------------------  CONTROL-O COSMOS STATUS  ------------< D >--------(OC)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O OPTION                         DESCRIPTION

S OBJECT    COSMOS Object Status

  DATABASE  COSMOS Database Status

===== +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

      |                                                                    |

      |                      Please Enter Parameters                       |

      |                                                                    |

      |   OBJECT         ==> *                                             |

      |   CURRENT        ==> *                                             |

      |   DESIRED        ==> *                                             |

      |   CLASS          ==> *                                             |

      |   MODE           ==> *                                             |

      |   DATABASE       ==> *                                             |

      |   GROUP          ==> *                                             |

      |   APPL           ==> *                                             |

      |   SYSTEM NAME    ==> CURRENT                                       |

      |   EXCEPTION Y/N  ==> N                                             |

      |                                                                    |




SELECT AN OPTION AND PRESS ENTER                                       15.36.53

The Selection Criteria window enables the filtering of objects displayed in the Objects Status screen.

When you first open the window, most of the criteria have an * value. Filtering is not performed on criteria that have* as their value. Therefore, by default, all objects in all Control-O/COSMOS Object databases are displayed.

To activate filtering on desired criteria, specify the desired values or masks for these criteria. Mask characters (* and ?) can be specified in any of the selection criteria fields (except for EXCEPTION Y/N). Each ? represents any one character; each * represents any number of characters.

Multiple criteria are linked by an implied AND logic (meaning, an object must satisfy all specified criteria to be displayed).

All selection criteria fields (except for EXCEPTION Y/N) allow up to eight characters.

The following table contains descriptions of all fields in the window.

Table 4 Object Status Screen - Selection Criteria




Object name or mask.


Current status or mask.


Desired status or mask.


Object class or mask.


Control-O/COSMOS mode of the object. Display only objects with the specified Control-O/COSMOS mode (or with a mode that matches the specified mask).


Object database name or mask.


Group name or mask.


Application name or mask.


Name of the Sysplex system, or mask. This name is used to select the system from which the Control-O/COSMOS working databases are displayed. Default value: CURRENT (this value indicates the system on which the user is currently logged-on). This field is valid only when displaying TYPE 1 XAE databases used to store Control-O/COSMOS working databases.


Indicates whether to display all objects, or only objects whose current and desired statuses do not match. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Display only objects whose current and desired statuses do not match.
  • N (No) – Display all objects (regardless of whether or not current and desired statuses match). Default.

Change selection criteria if desired. Press Enter to close the entry panel. The Object Status screen is displayed.

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