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Creating the Job Scheduling Definition
  1. Using the values in the preceding tables, for the job scheduling definition, create the job scheduling definition IDEXT2 in table IDGS4. Ensure that the definition has the following characteristics:

    You can now define the following parameters in this job scheduling definition:

  2. In the GROUP field, specify IDGRP6.
  3. In the DESC field, ON SPOOL EXERCISE.
  4. Fill in the OUT fields with the following values:


    The job scheduling definition is displayed as follows:

    JOB: IDEXT2   LIB CTM.TEST.SCHEDULE                             TABLE: IDGS4

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


      MEMNAME IDEXT2      MEMLIB   CTM.TEST.JCL                                  

      OWNER   ID          TASKTYPE JOB    PREVENT-NCT2   DFLT  N                 

      APPL                                GROUP IDGRP6                           

      DESC    ON SPOOL EXERCISE                                                 

      OVERLIB                                                   STAT CAL

      SCHENV                         SYSTEM ID                  NJE NODE      

      SET VAR                                                                    

      CTB STEP AT         NAME            TYPE                                   

      DOCMEM  IDEXT2      DOCLIB   CTM.TEST.DOC                                  


      DAYS                                                          DCAL         


      WDAYS                                                         WCAL         

      MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y     


      CONFCAL          SHIFT       RETRO N MAXWAIT 00  D-CAT                     

      MINIMUM          PDS                                                       

      DEFINITION ACTIVE FROM          UNTIL              





      FROM TIME         +     DAYS    UNTIL TIME      +     DAYS  

      DUE OUT TIME      +     DAYS    PRIORITY     SAC    CONFIRM

      TIME ZONE:                                                 


      OUT      IDEXT2-ENDED-OK      ODAT +                                      

      AUTO-ARCHIVE Y          SYSDB    Y      MAXDAYS      MAXRUNS              

      RETENTION:  # OF DAYS TO KEEP      # OF GENERATIONS TO KEEP                

      SYSOUT OP   (C,D,F,N,R)                                              FROM  

      MAXRERUN     RERUNMEM                            INTERVAL         FROM     

      STEP RANGE         FR (PGM.PROC)          .          TO          .         

      ON PGMST          PROCST          CODES                               A/O  


      SHOUT WHEN           TIME       +     DAYS     TO                  URGN


    ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF SCHEDULING PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

    COMMANDS: EDIT, DOC, PLAN, JOBSTAT                                    04.47.20

  5. Exit and save the job scheduling definition.

Parent Topic

Defining On Spool Jobs