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Job Ordering Through Online Utility CTMJOBRQ

As previously discussed, the occasional job scheduling request can be made using the Order or Force option in the Scheduling Definition facility. At some sites, however, access to Scheduling Definition facility may be restricted for security reasons, for example, to prevent the changing or deletion of job scheduling definitions.

As an alternative to ordering or forcing a job in the Scheduling Definition facility, you can order or force a job using Online Utility M1.

  1. Enter the Online Utilities menu and request utility CTMJOBRQ, which is Option M1. The Job Request Utility panel is displayed.

    ----------------------------  JOB REQUEST UTILITY  ----------------------------

    COMMAND ===>


      TABLE NAME              ===>

      JOB NAME                ===>                       (* for all jobs)

      SCHEDULED RUN DATE      ===> 02 02 01              (ODATE - format MM DD YY)

      FORCED SCHEDULING       ===> NO                    (YES,NO)


      GROUP                   ===>                       (Optional)


In this panel you can

Note: The GROUP field is generally useful in tables whose jobs do not inherit the GROUP from the table, and only if an * is specified in the JOB NAME field. It limits the jobs ordered to those belonging to the specified group.

In general, it is probably quicker to use batch utility CTMJOB, especially if you are ordering several jobs. Perhaps the only advantage of online utility CTMJOBRQ is that you do not need to know the format of the order statements—you merely fill in the parameter fields presented in the panel. But CTMJOBRQ is definitely not a powerful utility.

Parent Topic

Job Ordering and New Day Processing