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Displaying Job Dependencies

You have not displayed the Net display type using the DI N command. This display type is generally useful only in the Job Dependency Network screen, which you will soon display. Beforehand, however, it is advisable to refresh the Active Environment display using the REFRESH command, which appears in the list of commands at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Enter REFRESH in the COMMAND field. A message indicates that the display has been refreshed.

    Toggle to the list of options at the bottom of the Active Environment screen, so you can see exactly which option you will use to display the Job Dependency Network screen.

  2. Enter OPT in the COMMAND field. The list of available options is displayed.

    One of these options is N (Net). It displays the list of dependencies for a job; that is, the list of predecessor and successor job of the selected job. Specify this option for job IDJOB5.

  3. Enter N in the OPTION field next to IDJOB5. The Job Dependency Network screen is displayed (with display type N).

    Filter: IDGS      ------- CONTROL-M  NETWORK OF M21JOB5  ------ UP    <N> - (3)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

    O Level -----  N a m e  ----- DueIN/Out Elaps Late Prio Res ------ Status -----

      -4         IDJOB1           1158 1159 0001                Ended "OK"       

      -3       IDJOB2             1158 1159 0001                Ended "OK"       

      -2     IDJOB3               1156 1159 0003                Ended- Not "OK" Due

                                                                 to CC            

      -1   IDJOB4                 1158 1159 0001                Wait Schedule     

      --> IDJOB5                  1158 1159 0001                Wait Schedule     

      +1   IDJOB6                 1156 1159 0003                Wait Schedule     

                                                                *** Note ***

    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========












    Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout   

         N Net D Del F Free S Stat G Group U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 10.44.26

    The Job Dependency Network screen is a special case of the Active Environment screen. It indicates predecessor and successor jobs, and the levels of those jobs, relative to the selected job.

    Note the following about the jobs listed in the screen:

    Job dependencies are determined according the prerequisite IN and OUT conditions of the job. DO COND conditions are ignored because they are conditional rather than constant.

    The screen also displays the following information about the jobs, much of it also found in the Zoom screen:

    Table 18 Job Dependency Fields




    Due in time. Time by which the job must be submitted.


    Due out time. Time by which the job must finish executing.


    Elapse time. Expected time (in minutes) for the job to execute.


    Indication that a job is late. Possible values:

    • X – Actual execution has not completed within the expected execution time. Also indicates that SHOUT WHEN EXECTIME was issued.
    • I – Job was not submitted in time. Also indicates that SHOUT WHEN LATESUB was issued.
    • O – Job is late. Also indicates that SHOUT WHEN LATE was issued.


    Control-M priority of the job.


    Indicator that the job accesses Quantitative resources. Valid values are:

    • blank – Quantitative resources are not accessed.
    • Y – Quantitative resources are accessed.


    Job (task) status.

    To refresh the display with the latest information, enter the REFRESH command as you did before displaying the screen. The time of the last refresh is displayed on the top line of the Job Dependency Network screen.

    You can change display types in the Job Dependency Network screen, but there is little point in doing so because it is this display type that shows the dependency levels.

  4. Press PF03/PF15 to exit from the Job Network Dependency screen back to the Active Environment screen.

Parent Topic

Navigating The Active Environment