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Additional AutoEdit Control Statements

In addition to the %%SET statement that you used at the beginning of this chapter, and control statements that point to external members, several other AutoEdit control statements are available. These are outlined in the following table:

Table 14 Additional AutoEdit Control Statements

AutoEdit Term


%%LABEL lblnam

%%GO lblnam

%%LABEL creates a label of name lblnam at the location of the statement.

%%GO lblnam can then be used to pass control to the location identified by the %%LABEL lblnam statement.


Provide the AutoEdit facility with Boolean "IF" logic capability. These statements, in conjunction with control statements %%GOTO and %%LABEL, permit branching based on submission time criteria. Job steps, DD statements, and so on are easily excluded or included.

Format of the statements is:

%%IF conditional-expression






Limits the handling of AutoEdit functions and variables to a specified column range. Contents of all columns outside the range remain unchanged.

Format of the statement is:

%%RANGE fromcol tocol


By default, Control-M must resolve all AutoEdit terms in the JCL or the job is not submitted. This default can be overridden by specifying an appropriate %%RESOLVE statement in the JCL. For details, see the description of the %%RESOLVE statement in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

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AutoEdit and JCL