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Creating a SMART Table

  1. Enter the IOA Online Facility and display the Scheduling Definition Facility entry panel.


       COMMAND ===>







          TABLE   ===>                     (Blank for table selection list)

          JOB     ===>                     (Blank for job selection list)


          SMART TABLE         ===>       ( Y- for new SMART Table)




       SHOW JOB DOCUMENTATION   ===> N     (Y/N)

       AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION  ===> N     (Y/N)




      USE THE COMMAND SHPF TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                             23.00.04

In this chapter, you will create a new table called IDGS2; in the previous chapters of this guide you used a table called IDGS1.

Notice the field SMART TABLE. Valid values for this field are Y (SMART Table) or [Enter] (Table that handles jobs individually). In previous chapters of this guide, you ignored this field because the default value [Enter] served your purpose when you worked with table IDGS1. Now, however, you want to define the new table, IDGS2, to be a SMART Table.

A SMART Table contains a mechanism for defining parameters that apply to the table as a whole.

In the previous chapters, whenever you defined a job scheduling definition in table IDGS1, the parameters in the job scheduling definition could only be applied to that job. For example, a TIME FROM value, or a DO SHOUT value, in the job scheduling definition for IDJOB3, applied only to IDJOB3. If you wanted to apply the same parameters to IDJOB4, you had to define the parameters in the job scheduling definition of IDJBO4.

SMART Tables have a special kind of scheduling definition, called a SMART Table Entity, that is used to apply parameters to all jobs in the table. Each SMART Table has one, and only one, SMART Table Entity, as well as its job scheduling definitions. When you first request creation of a SMART Table from the Scheduling Definition entry panel, the SMART Table entity definition screen is displayed.

Parent Topic

SMART Table Scheduling