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Defining Restart in the Job Scheduling Definition

  1. Enter the IOA Online Facility and open a job scheduling definition for job IDJOB5.
  2. Ensure that the following values are part of the job scheduling definition:

    You are now ready to define the ON and DO statements. These will include your restart parameters.

  3. In the ON block, specify ANYSTEP as the program step (PGMST) value. Specify >C0004 as the codes value.

    The meaning of the >C0004 value should be clear. Generally, a step is considered to have ended OK if the routine returns a code of C0004 or lower. Therefore, a CODES value of >C0004 instructs Control-M to perform the accompanying DO statements if the job ended NOTOK.

    In the preceding chapter, and again in this step, you specified ANYSTEP as the PGMST step values. These ON step values should be examined more closely.

    ON Steps

    The ON step fields identify the possible steps against which Control-M will check for the specified CODES values.

    Two types of step values can be specified:

    You can specify either or both types of values, but you must specify at least one value if you use an ON block.

    Valid step values can be any of the following:

  4. Define the following DO COND statement as the first DO statement in the ON block:


    You can now to define a Shout statement to the operator. However, because this is only an exercise and you do not want the shout to actually go to the operator, you will instead send the shout to yourself.

  5. Define a DO SHOUT statement as the next DO statement in the ON block. The target location, or TO value, defaults to your user ID. Specify the message:


    You are now ready to define your restart parameters. Two statements are generally used in combination, to define a restart:

    The DO IFRERUN statement is used to indicate that a restart is desired. It defines parameters to be used for restart, such as FROM step and TO step. This statement tells Control-M that if the job is rerun, hence the name DO IFRERUN, it should be rerun in accordance with the restart values specified in the DO IFRERUN statement.

    The DO RERUN parameter merely instructs Control-M to run the job again. If you wanted a rerun without a restart, you would specify only the DO RERUN parameter, and the job would be rerun from the beginning.

    The DO IFRERUN statement precedes the DO RERUN statement.

  6. Enter IFRERUN in the blank DO statement. The DO IFRERUN statement is opened.

    Note that this statement contains FROM, TO, and CONFIRM fields. The default value of the CONFIRM field should be N (No).

  7. Set the CONFIRM value to Y (Yes).

    Note: The CONFIRM field of the DO IFRERUN statement is similar in meaning to the CONFIRM runtime scheduling parameter that you used in Chapter 1, "Introduction to Control-M." However, it applies only to restarted jobs, whereas the CONFIRM runtime scheduling parameter applies to all job runs.

    You can now take a look at the FROM and TO fields.

    The FROM field indicates the step from which the restart should begin, and the TO field indicates the step to which the restart should continue.

    Both the FROM and the TO fields allow specification of a program step, to the left of the period, and/or a procedure step, to the right of the period. You can specify either or both values.

    Table 9 DO IFRERUN: Selected FROM Keyword values




    First step of the job.


    Step of the job that ended NOTOK due to system abend, user abend, condition code C2000 (PL/1 abend), or JFAIL (job failed on JCL error). $ABEND is a subset of $EXERR, described below.


    First step of the abended procedure.


    Job step that ended with any error, including an abend, or that ended with a condition code that is redefined using the ON and DO statements, as ENDED NOTOK

  8. Specify $EXERR in the FROM field.
  9. Enter RERUN in the blank DO statement. This statement has no subparameter values.

    Before exiting the job scheduling definition, return and define one more OUT condition.

  10. In the OUT condition line, add the following condition as the second condition on that line:


    If the job fails, and then successfully finishes following restart, this OUT condition deletes the DO COND condition that was added by the job failure. If the job does not fail, there is no IDJOB5-END-NOTOK condition to delete. In this case, no deletion occurs and processing continues.

    Your job scheduling definition appears as shown in Job Scheduling Definition Figures.

  11. Exit the Job Scheduling Definition screen to the Job List screen.
  12. Exit the Job List screen and save the changes, by entering Y in SAVE field of the Exit Option window. The Table List screen is displayed.
  13. Reenter the Job List screen for the table, and order job IDJOB5. The Job Order Messages screen is displayed. and the job is ordered.
  14. Exit the Job Order Messages screen and display the Active Environment screen by entering =3 in the COMMAND field. The Active Environment screen is displayed.
  15. Ensure that filter IDGS is displayed. If it does not appear in the Filter field, enter SHOW IDGS in the COMMAND field).
  16. Refresh the display as often as needed. A message similar to the following message is Shouted to your terminal:


    The job goes through a process of submission and execution, and finally ends with the status: Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC - Rerun Needed:

    The Active Environment screen appears as follows Job Scheduling Definition Figures. If the jobs from the exercises in the preceding chapter have not been deleted by site maintenance, they will also appear in the screen.

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

      IDJOB5   ID       020201 M21     /29162   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC -

                                                    Rerun Needed              

    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

    The CC in the status refers to a condition code. You can now review the job log and identify the condition code problem.

  17. Call up the log for the job by entering L in the OPTION field. The Control-M Log screen is displayed for the job Job Scheduling Definition Figures.

    Each event in the life cycle of the job appears as a message issued by Control-M. Note the following messages:

Parent Topic

Restarts under Control-M/Restart