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Post-Processing Parameters Section

The fields in the fourth section of the Job Scheduling Definition screen correspond to the Job Scheduling Definition Post-Processing parameters.



    AUTO-ARCHIVE            SYSDB           MAXDAYS      MAXRUNS


    SYSOUT OP   (C,D,F,N,R)                                              FROM

    MAXRERUN     RERUNMEM                              INTERVAL       FROM

    STEP RANGE         FR (PGM.PROC)          .          TO          .

    ON PGMST          PROCST          CODES                               A/O


    SHOUT WHEN           TIME       +     DAYS     TO                  URGN


  ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF SCHEDULING PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

These Post-Processing parameters define actions to be performed by Control-M after the job ends. Basically, these can be divided into three main groups—those relevant if the job ends OK, those relevant under specified circumstances, and those that are always relevant.

The OUT parameter has already been discussed, and those discussions are relevant only if the job ends OK. Table 7 explains several other Post-Processing parameters.

Table 7 Post-Processing Parameters ON and DO Statements




The ON statement constitutes the beginning of an ON/DO conditional block that is relevant only in the specified situation. The ON block defines a set of circumstances. If those circumstances are met, the specified DO actions are performed.

ON criteria have two parts: steps and codes.

When defining the ON block, you specify a step or set of steps (program and/or procedure steps), and possible results for those steps (condition codes, abend codes, system codes and so on).

If this combination of steps and codes is satisfied, the DO block is performed.

A complex set of values, including predefined keyword values such as ANYSTEP, can be specified in the ON block.

If more than one ON statement is specified in the block, the A/O (And/Or) field determines the relationship between them. Valid values are A (And) and O (Or).


DO statements specify actions to be performed if the ON criteria are satisfied. Many different DO statements are available. For example:

DO COND adds or deletes a prerequisite condition.

DO FORCEJOB forces a job to be scheduled.

DO SHOUT sends, or shouts, a message to a specified destination.

DO RERUN reruns the job.

When you type the name or abbreviation of the DO statement, such as COND, or SHOUT, in the DO field, the appropriate subparameter fields for the statement are displayed.

If by mistake you request the wrong DO statement, you can delete it by selecting the DO statement name, such as COND, and pressing Enter.

Note that this section contains a SHOUT WHEN statement. This statement, which is not examined in this chapter, is different than the DO SHOUT statement.

You had previously decided to request the following post-processing activities:

You can now define the necessary values.

  1. Fill in the OUT fields with the following value:

    After filling in the second condition, a new, blank OUT condition line is opened to enable you to specify another condition.

  2. In the ON block, specify ANYSTEP in the PGMST (program step) field, and specify the value >C0007 in the CODES field. A value equal to or greater than C0008 is synonymous with a value greater than C0007.
  3. In the DO field, type COND and press Enter.

    The DO COND statement is opened, as is a blank DO statement for specification of another DO statement.

  4. Fill in the DO COND fields with the following values:


  5. In the blank DO field, type SHOUT and press Enter.

    The DO SHOUT statement is opened, as is a blank DO statement for specification of another DO statement, as shown below.

         DO SHOUT     TO                     URGENCY  

  6. In the DO SHOUT statement, specify your user ID in the TO subparameter field; replace the R (Regular) with U (Urgent) in the URGENCY field; and specify the message FRIDAY FISCAL RESULTS RUN FAILED following the equal sign (=).

    Note that the only urgency value, other than R and U,  is V, which signifies a Very Urgent message.

  7. In the blank DO field, type FORCEJOB and press Enter.

    The DO FORCEJOB statement is opened, as is a blank DO statement for specification of another DO statement, as shown below.

         DO FORCEJOB  TABLE                  JOB                       DATE

  8. In the DO FORCEJOB statement, specify the current table name (IDGS1)in the TABLE field; specify IDJOB4 in the JOB field; specify ODAT in the DATE field; and specify the current scheduling library name in the LIBRARY field.

    This section of the job scheduling definition appears as shown below:

      OUT      IDJOB3-ENDED-OK      ODAT +                                        
      AUTO-ARCHIVE            SYSDB           MAXDAYS      MAXRUNS                
      RETENTION:  # OF DAYS TO KEEP      # OF GENERATIONS TO KEEP                 
      SYSOUT OP   (C,D,F,N,R)                                              FROM   
      MAXRERUN     RERUNMEM                              INTERVAL       FROM      
      STEP RANGE         FR (PGM.PROC)          .          TO          .          
      ON PGMST ANYSTEP  PROCST          CODES >C0007                          A/O
        DO COND          IDJOB3-END-NOTOK     ODAT +                              
        DO SHOUT     TO  ID                 URGENCY U                            
         = FRIDAY FISCAL RESULTS RUN FAILED                            
        DO FORCEJOB  TABLE   IDGS1          JOB   IDJOB4              DATE ODAT   
                     LIBRARY CTM.TEST.SCHEDULE                                   
      ON PGMST          PROCST          CODES                               A/O   

    You have now finished defining IDJOB3.

  9. Exit the job scheduling definition of IDJOB3.

    The Job List screen is displayed. This is where you can take a closer look at the use of IN, OUT, and DO COND conditions, and their date qualifiers, to create job dependencies.

Parent Topic

Sections of the Job Scheduling Definition