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Toggling Between Display of Commands and Options

The bottom two lines of the Active Environment screen list either the commands or options available in the screen. Upon entry to the screen, the list of commands is displayed.

Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table

           OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display      15.15.

The first command listed is OPt, and the bottom line actually explains that command OPt can be used to toggle between the command display and the option display.

  1. Enter OPT in the COMMAND field to toggle to the option display. The list of available options is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

    Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout

         N Net D Del F Free S Stat G Group U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm  15.46.0

  2. Again, enter OPT in the COMMAND field to redisplay the list of available commands at the bottom of the screen.

    Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table

              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     15.15.48

    One or the other of the two lists will be particularly relevant for different steps, and you will be instructed, as necessary, to display the appropriate screen. Now that the Command display appears, notice the SHOW command. You will be using the SHOW command in the next set of steps.

Parent Topic

Introduction to the Active Environment Screen