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Output Parameters

The following parameters indicate the naming conventions and locations for datasets and members created by utility CTOFANCI.

Table 12 Naming Convention and Location Parameters Created by Utility CTOFANCI




Specifies values that determine the name of the output library for each rule created by the utility. Mandatory.

The value specified for this parameter can be a maximum of 72 characters. The value can include any combination of constants (that is, A-Z, 0-9, $, @, or ‘.’) and/or one or more of the following keywords, including the angle brackets (<>):

  • <INSDN>—Name of the dataset containing the input rule.
  • <INMEM>—Name of the input member.
  • <INQn>— The nth qualifier of the input dataset name (for example, if the input rule is in a PDS named A.BB.CCC, then <INQ3>=CCC).
  • <INQLn>—The nth last qualifier in the input dataset name (for example, if the input is in a PDS named A.BB.CCC, then <INQL3>=A).
  • <PRODCODE>–Product code of the input member. Each product or script language is associated with a 3-character code. The following codes are used:

    — AOC—NetView AOC

    — ASM—A program in Assembler 370 or 390


    — CLS—Native TSO CLIST

    — DOC—Documentation


    — HLL—A high level language (for example, C or PL/I)

    — MPF—MVS Message Processing facility

    — OPS—CA-OPS

    — REX—Native TSO REXX

    — UNK—Unknown product



  • <ETYPE>–The event type of the input member or rule. The utility automatically assigns one of the supported event types to each input member or rule. The following event types are used:

    — AOC—NetView AOC CLIST member

    — ASM—Assembler program member

    — CLS—CLIST member

    — CMD—Command rule

    — DOC—Documentation member

    — DOM – Message deletion rule

    — EOJ – End of job rule

    — HLL – High level language member

    — JCL – JCL member

    — MSG – Message rule

    — OMG – OMEGAMON exception rule

    — OPX – OPS/REXX member

    — REQ – Explicit request member

    — REX – REXX member

    — SCR – Screen event rule

    — SEC – Security exception rule

    — TOD – Time of day rule

    — UNK – Unknown product or event type member

    — VAR – Change of a Global variable rule

  • <SUMDETAIL>–A string containing information about the rule (for example, message ID for a MSG rule, or job name for a end-of-job rule). The string resolved from this keyword is a maximum of eight characters in length.
  • <RUNID>–Date and time the current run of utility CTOFANCI started. This value resolves to a string that is unique for each run of the utility. Therefore, this value can be used to differentiate between the output of successive runs of the utility.
    The resolution of this keyword is a string with the following format:
    where mmdd represents the month and the day, and hhmm represents hours and minutes.

The string that results from resolution of the specified keywords must be a valid dataset name.




    The output dataset name is the input dataset name prefixed by IOA.
    The output dataset name is CTOP.RULES. followed by the third qualifier of the input dataset name, a period, and the event type code.

All input rules are placed in output dataset CTOP.ALL.RULES.


Specifies values that determine the name of the member to which each output member or rule must be written. Mandatory.

The value specified for this parameter can be a maximum of 72 characters. The value may include any combination of constants (alphanumeric characters) and keywords. Keywords valid for this parameter are the same as those valid for parameter OUTDSN (described elsewhere in this table).

The string that results from resolution of the specified keywords must be a valid member name.

If the intended name of an output member matches the name of a member already existing in the output library, utility CTOFANCI either appends the output to the existing member, or creates a new member. For more information, see Output Member Names.


Volser to which new output libraries must be allocated. Optional. A maximum of six characters can be specified.

If no value is specified for this parameter, allocation is performed without a volume specification (meaning, the location of output libraries is determined by the default settings of your site’s disk management software).


Unit name to which new output libraries must be allocated. Optional. A maximum of eight characters can be specified.

If no value is specified for this parameter, allocation is performed without a unit specification.


Specifies the number of primary allocation tracks to be used for allocating new output libraries. Optional. A value from 1 to 9999 can be specified. Default: 10.


Specifies the number of secondary allocation tracks to be used for allocating new output libraries. A value from 1 to 9999 can be specified. Default: 20


Specifies the number of directory-blocks to be used for new output libraries. A value from 1 to 9999 can be specified. Default: 100


Indicates whether unused space in output libraries must be freed after the current run of utility CTOFANCI. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Free unused space. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not free unused space.


Indicates what must be done if a library (PDS) already existed with the name of a specified output library prior to this run of utility CTOFANCI. Optional.

The existing library was probably created by a previous run of the utility. This parameter determines how to arrange the results of different runs of utility CTOFANCI. Valid values:

  • OUTLIB—Create a new library with a different name consisting of desired output library name and a suffix with the value of <RUNID> (described elsewhere in this table). Information is placed in the new empty library instead of the originally specified output library.
  • NONE—The new rule or member is added to the existing output library. Default.


Block size to be used when creating new output libraries. Optional. A value from 80 to 32760 can be specified. Default: 6000


Four-character prefix to be used to name each new output member whose intended name matches an existing member’s name in the output dataset. Default: @DUP.

Utility CTOFANCI appends a numeric suffix (from 0001 to 9999) to this prefix to create a new member name that does not conflict with existing members. The intended output name is included in the DESCRIPTION field of the output rule.

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