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Step 5. Convert Automation Scripts using Utility CTOFANCI

Run utility CTOFANCI in normal mode.

Utility CTOFANCI performs the automatic phase of conversion to Control-O. When run in normal mode, this utility processes your inventory of console automation definitions and performs the following tasks:

Table 6 Tasks Performed by Utility CTOFNACI in Normal Mode



Library and table creation

Utility CTOFANCI creates output libraries and Control-O Rule tables to contain output members and rules produced by the utility. Parameters of the utility specify the composition of the names of output libraries and Rule tables.

Rule creation

Utility CTOFANCI creates Control-O rule definitions that can be used to implement automation tasks similar to your current console automation definitions.

Inventory analysis

A series of reports are produced by each run of utility CTOFANCI. These reports can be used to analyze your current automation definitions.

Reports produced by utility CTOFANCI can also be used to determine how to modify utility parameters for additional runs of the utility. CTOFANCI reports are described in detail in Reports.

Multiple runs of utility CTOFANCI can be used to process different groups of input libraries and members and to adjust parameters to suit your conversion needs.

For information about how to run utility CTOFANCI, see Step 3. Gather Detailed Information About Your Current Console Automation.

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Conversion Steps