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Running the CTOFANCI Utility

Perform the following steps to run utility CTOFANCI at your site.

  1. Prepare the control statements of the utility.
    1. Edit member SYSINPRM (supplied with the Conversion Tool) or a copy of this member. This member contains the control statements for utility CTOFANCI. (For valid control statements and parameters that can be specified for the utility, see Utility CTOFANCI).
    2. Save the member.
  2. Prepare the conversion job.
    1. Edit member CTOFJOB (supplied with the Conversion Tool). This member contains a job that invokes REXX program CTOFANCI in TSO batch mode.
    2. Modify the SYSEXEC and SYSPROC DD statements to reference the library containing the CTOFANCI REXX execs.
    3. Modify the last line of member CTOFJOB so that it references a dataset and member name containing the control statements of utility CTOFANCI.
    4. Save the member CTOFJOB.
  3. Submit job CTOFJOB.

    For information about monitoring the execution of the utility see Troubleshooting.

    Multiple runs of utility CTOFANCI can be used to produce reports about different groups of input libraries and members and to adjust parameters to determine how they will affect conversion at your site.

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Step 3. Gather Detailed Information About Your Current Console Automation