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CTJENR Examples

The examples in this section perform enforcement or reformatting, or both, on the sample JCL shown below. In these examples, the sample enforcement and reformatting rules that are used are provided in the installation.

It is assumed that the following JCL member, MEM1, is located in the WORK.LIB library.

Original sample JCL used in the enforcement or reformatting examples

//IEFBR14  JOB ,BR14,MSGCLASS=X,                                       

//     NOTIFY=USER,MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                      

//S1       EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,COND=EVEN                                  

//NEWTEMP     DD    SPACE=(TRK,1),DSN=NEW.FILE.NO.DISP                 

//FILEOK DD    DISP=SHR,DSN=CTJP.V900.JCL.SAMPLES                      

Parent Topic

CTJENR - JCL Job Reformatting and Enforcement