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AutoEdit Operators

Within a DO SET statement, AutoEdit operators can be used together with AutoEdit variables. Valid AutoEdit operators are shown in Table 192.

Table 192 AutoEdit Operators




The operator that adds two operands.


The operator that subtracts one operand from another operand.


The operator that multiplies one operand by another operand.


The operator that divides one operand by another operand.

Note: Negative numbers are not recognized by AutoEdit operators. The maximum number that can be handled by mathematical AutoEdit operations is 2,147,483,647 (that is, 231 – 1).

The format for use of AutoEdit symbols and operators is

operand operator operand

Only one operator may be used in each AutoEdit expression.

Operands must be resolved into numeric constants. The final result is translated into a character string. For example:


On installation working date November 03, 2000 the symbol %%NUMBER_OF_ABENDS_001103 will contain the number of abends that occurred in the data center, during the working day.

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AutoEdit Facility