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General Information

The ID specified in an ON MESSAGE statement must be either the ID of a regular message or the ID of the major (first) line of a multi-line message.

Messages used by Control-O internally (such as CTO15AI, CTO162I, CTO211I, and CTO283I), and messages issued under the Control-O subsystem interface (CTO282I), cannot be detected using an ON MESSAGE statement.

ROUTE Subparameter

z/OS assign routing codes to each console. When a message is sent to a specific routing code, consoles with that routing code display the message. Usually, routing codes correspond to logical groups of messages that are assigned by the system. The ROUTE subparameter uses the routing code as a message/event selection criteria. Only messages with the specified routing codes are selected.  

For example, your tape-related messages use a routing code of 3 and 5. Control-O can intercept all messages with a routing code of 3 or 5 and redirect them to a specific console, or handle them in another manner.

For additional information regarding routing and descriptor codes, refer to the IBM publication Routing and Descriptor Codes, GC38-1102.

DESC Subparameter

Descriptor codes determine message display characteristics such as deletion, scrolling, highlighting, and color. The DESC subparameter uses the descriptor code as a message selection criteria – only messages having the specified descriptor codes are selected. For example, Control-O can intercept all messages that have a descriptor code of 1, 2 or 11, which indicates the need for critical action, and send these messages to a specific console.

Descriptor codes also control the indicator character. Any message sent by the operating system or an authorized program begins with a blank or asterisk (*) indicator. Messages sent by application programs begin with plus signs (+) or at signs (@). The asterisk, or at sign, marks the message as critical (descriptor code 1, 2, or 11). Control-O ignores these indicator characters during message ID comparison.

For additional information regarding routing and descriptor codes, refer to the IBM publication Routing and Descriptor Codes, GC38-1102.

CONSOLEID Subparameter

During system initialization, each console on the system is assigned a console identifier by z/OS. This identifier (xx) is a 2-digit number from 00 through 99 that corresponds to the position of the CONSOLE statement in member CONSOLxx in the SYS1.PARMLIB library.

Only messages issued to the specified console IDs are selected. For example, Control-O can intercept all messages that have a specific console ID, and redirect them or handle them in another manner.

CONSOLE Subparameter

This is the name that is assigned to the console. A valid name contains 2 to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Only the message issued to the specified console NAME is selected. For example, Control-O can intercept any message that has a specific console NAME, and redirect the message or handle it in another manner.

SYSTEM Subparameter

The name specified by the SYSTEM subparameter is the unique system name of the z/OS image in the Sysplex environment.

When a system name is specified by the SYSTEM subparameter, messages issued by the specified system can trigger rules. However, if no system is specified, only messages originally issued on the current system are used.

SMFID Subparameter

Each computer in a complex installation is assigned an SMF identifier of 1 through 4 characters.

If SMFID is specified, only messages or commands issued from the specified SMF IDs will trigger the rule.

Handling Multi-line Messages

z/OS issues two different types of messages:

Regular messages are only one logical line of text. Multi-line messages can be any number of lines. When you define a rule, it is important to be aware what type of message (regular or multi-line) is being handled, so that the rule can be designed to process the message correctly.

Some messages appear either as a regular or a multi-line message, depending on the source of the message, for example, the ICH408I RACF message.

Some messages appear as either a regular or multi-line message depending on the status of different on-site programs, for example, whether NetView is active.

To determine whether or not a given message is a multi-line message, look for an occurrence of that message in the All Fields display of the Automation Log. The MULTILN field indicates the type of message.

Message type (regular or multi-line) can also be checked during rule execution by the %%$MULTIFLG system variable, which indicates whether the message that triggered the rule is a multi-line message.

When a multi-line message is specified in an ON MESSAGE rule, each line of the message triggers the rule. However, unless otherwise specified (using a DO ENDMSG statement), DO statements in the rule are not performed until the rule is triggered by the last line of the message.

When specific DO statements should be performed each time the rule is triggered by a line of the message, insert a DO ENDMSG statement as follows:

For example, to suppress a multi-line message, suppression must be performed for each line of the message. Therefore, the DO ENDMSG statement must follow the suppress (DO DISPLAY) statement, as shown below.





If DO ENDMSG was placed before the DO DISPLAY statement, or was not included in the above rule, only the last line of the message would be suppressed.

For more information, see DO ENDMSG: Automated Console Action Parameter.

Special handling of upper case input from the master console

When the operator types a command on the master console in upper case Control-O is triggered twice with the same message.

To avoid this double triggering, add a check to the rule so that if the message has a special MCSFLAG, with the value of X'601C', all resulting actions are prevented and the rule is terminated. The code for the rule is shown in the following sample:

IF       %%$MCSFLAGX EQ 601C



Parent Topic

ON MESSAGE: Message/Event Selection Parameter