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General Information

CONSOLEID Subparameter

During system initialization, each console on the system is assigned a console identifier by z/OS. This identifier (xx) is a 2-digit number from 00 through 99 that corresponds to the position of the CONSOLE statement in the CONSOLxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library.

Only messages issued from the specified console IDs can trigger the rule.

CONSOLE Subparameter

This is the name that is assigned to the console. A valid name contains 2 to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Only messages issued from the specified console name can trigger the rule.

SYSTEM Subparameter

The name specified by the SYSTEM subparameter is the unique system name of the z/OS image in the Sysplex environment.

When a system name is specified by the SYSTEM subparameter, messages issued on the specified system can trigger rules. However, if no system is specified, only messages originally issued on the current system are used.

SMFID Subparameter

Each computer in a complex installation is assigned an SMF identifier from 1 through 4 characters in length.

If SMFID is specified, only messages issued from the specified SMF IDs will trigger the rule.

Parent Topic

ON CTOPCMSG: Message/Event Selection Parameter