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DO SYSREQ: Automated Console Action Parameter

Executes a variety of system related functions and queries. The ENQINFO function (a request to Extract Enqueue information) is currently implemented.

Figure 175 DO SYSREQ Parameter Format

Optional. Type SYSREQ in the DO field and press Enter. The subparameters shown in Table 142 are displayed.

Table 142 DO SYSREQ Subparameters




Name of the function to be executed. This subparameter must be entered to the right of the = prompt. The only valid value is ENQINFO — Extract Enqueue (ENQ) information.

When you enter ENQINFO, the remaining subparameters shown in this table are displayed.


Status of the enqueues to be selected. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • CONFLICT – Enqueue conflicts (that is, jobs waiting for resources and the jobs holding those resources) are selected. Default.
  • WAITER – Jobs waiting for resources are selected.
  • OWNER – Jobs that hold (own) resources are selected.
  • LOCK – Deadlocked jobs (where job A holds resources that job B is waiting for and vice versa) are selected.
  • ALL – All ENQ entries are selected.


Scope of ENQ entries selected. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • STEP – STEP level
  • SYSTEM – SYSTEM level
  • ALL – ENQ entries of all three levels are selected. Default.


Name (or mask) of the job holding or waiting for the resource. Optional.


Queue name or mask (major name of the resource), such as, SYSDSN or SYSVSAM. Initially set to blanks. Optional.


Resource name or mask (minor name of the resource). Initially set to blanks. Optional.

Trailing blanks can be included in the resource name by specifying RNAME in quotes.

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Rule Parameters