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DO RULE: Automated Console Action Parameter

Invokes another rule from within the current rule.

Figure 162 DO RULE Parameter Format

Optional. Type RULE (or its abbreviation RU) in the DO field and press Enter. The subparameters shown in Table 135 are displayed.

Table 135 DO RULE Subparameters



rulename + args

Name of the rule to be activated. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified.

Note: The specified rule name, which is the name of the rule to be activated, must belong to a unique rule containing an ON RULE parameter and must match the rule name specified in that ON RULE parameter.

When the rule is invoked by a DO statement, the rule name must be unique in the table. If more than one rule have the same name in the same table, you may encounter unexpected results.

Optional input and output arguments to be passed to the rule can be specified, following rulename and separated from it by a blank. Arguments must be valid AutoEdit expressions.


Value of the OWNER field in the invoked rule. This subparameter is used for security purposes. Optional.


Name of the Control-O rule table where the invoked rule resides. When specified, ALL implies that the invoked rule may reside in any rule table. If a table name is not specified, the current rule table is assumed by default.


Name of the Control-O rule table library where the invoked rule resides. When specified, ALL implies that the invoked rule may reside in any rule table library. If a library name is not specified, the current rule table library is assumed by default.


Name of the system where the command should be directed. A name of from 1 through 8 alphanumeric characters can be specified. Mask characters (* and ?) are supported for this subparameter.

Note: By default, the command is issued to the master console of the current system.

  • A different system can be specified by the SYSTEM subparameter, or by the %%$COMMSYS reserved user-defined variable in a preceding DO SET statement.
  • A different console can be specified by the CONSOLE or CONSOLEID subparameter.

If both a SYSTEM value and a %%$COMMSYS value are specified, the SYSTEM value is used.


Whether local variables are shared.

  • Y (YES) – Local variables can be shared with the script by using XAM.
  • N (NO) – Local variables are not shared. Default.


The number of seconds (maximum 9999) to wait for the completion of the TSO command, CLIST, REXX procedure, or z/OS shell script.

Valid only if STOP is set to Y. Optional. Default: 60 seconds.

Parent Topic

Rule Parameters