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DO FORCEJOB: Automated Console Action Parameter

Forces jobs under Control-M.

Figure 154 DO FORCEJOB Parameter Format


Optional. Type FORCEJOB in the DO field and press Enter. The subparameters shown in Table 130 are displayed:

Table 130 DOFORCEJOB Subparameters




Name of Control-M scheduling table. Mandatory.


Job name. If this field is blank, all jobs in the specified table are forced. Optional.


Whether to force a unique job flow for the jobs in a table.

Relevant only when the JOB name is left blank.

A unique flow is not affected by conditions that might already exist as relationships between jobs in the AJF. This is accomplished by automatically adding unique suffixes (up to 3 characters long) to the new condition names.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Flow will be unique.
  • N – Flow will not be unique. Default.


Scheduling date for the jobs. Valid values are:

  • spec_date – a specific date, in mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd format, depending on the site standard
  • ODAT – resolves to the Control-M installation working date. Default.
  • DATE – resolves to the system date
  • %%xx – an AutoEdit symbol. The symbol can be assigned by a DO SET command in the rule, or it can be a Global variable.
  • ? – check the status of the job in the Control-M Active Jobs file for any date
  • ODAT? – check the status of the job in the Control-M Active Jobs file for the current working date
  • DATE? – check the status of the job in the Control-M Active Jobs file for the current system date


Name of the Control-M scheduling library containing the specified table. Mandatory.

The following Auto-Edit system variables are available to newly forced jobs and can be used in the Control-M job scheduling definition or JCL:

Table 130a AutoEdit System Variables




Name of the data set handled by the rule. Valid only for rules containing an ON DSNEVENT statement.


Disposition of the data set handled by the rule. Valid only for rules containing an ON DSNEVENT statement.

Possible values are:

  • C – cataloged
  • D – deleted
  • K – kept
  • N – NOT CATLG2
  • R – retained
  • S – scratched
  • U – uncataloged


Triggering job name. Valid in rules for all types of events.


System abend code of the step whose termination triggered the rule.


Completion code of the step whose termination triggered the rule.


User abend code of the step whose termination triggered the rule.

Parent Topic

Rule Parameters