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DO DISPLAY: Automated Console Action Parameter

Controls the display of the message on the console or suppresses commands issued from the console.

Figure 147 DO DISPLAY Parameter Format

Optional. Type DISPLAY in the DO field and press Enter. The subparameters shown in Table 128 are displayed.

Table 128 DO DISPLAY Subparameters




Whether or not the message or command is suppressed.

  • Y (Yes)

    — For messages: The message is suppressed (eliminated from the console display but not from the SYSLOG).

    — For commands: Command execution is suppressed and the commands does not appear in the SYSLOG.

  • C (Console) – Command is suppressed, but the command does appear in the SYSLOG.
  • N (No)

    — For messages: The message is displayed. Default.

    — For commands: The command is executed.

  • A (All)

    — For messages: The message is suppressed from both the console and the SYSLOG.

    — For commands: Command execution is suppressed (similar to specifying "Y").

The following subparameters can be specified only if the SUPPRESS subparameter is set to N.


A valid routing code, from 1 through 128. Changes the original message route code to the code specified in this field. Optional. For messages only.


A valid descriptor code, from 1 through 16. Changes the original message descriptor code to the code specified in this field, for example, to prevent message rolling. Optional. For messages only.


Redirects the message to the console ID specified in this field. Optional.


Name (not the ID) of the console where the message or command should be directed. A name of from 1 through 8 alphanumeric characters can be specified.


Name of the system where the message or command should be directed. A name of from 1 through 8 alphanumeric characters can be specified. Mask characters (* and ?) are supported for this subparameter.

Note: The ROUTE subparameter cannot be used with the CONSOLEID or CONSOLE subparameters.

By default, the command or message is inherited by the console of the original command or message.

  • A different system can be specified by the SYSTEM subparameter (or by the %%$COMMSYS reserved user-defined variable in a preceding DO SET statement.)
  • A different console can be specified by the CONSOLE or CONSOLEID subparameter.

If both a SYSTEM value and a %%$COMMSYS value are specified, the SYSTEM value is used.

Do not use DO DISPLAY with SYSTEM or %%$COMMSYS in an ON COMMAND rule to transfer the COMMAND to a remote system. Instead, use the DO COMMAND statement to transfer the COMMAND.


  • For messages only: New message text to be displayed on the console. Optional.
  • For commands: New command text.

AutoEdit variables embedded in the text are automatically resolved at the time of rule activation.

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Rule Parameters