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DO ASKOPER: Automated Console Action Parameter

Issues a WTOR (Write to Operator With Reply) message, and waits for the operator’s reply.

Figure 139 DO ASKOPER Parameter Format

Optional. Type ASKOPER in the DO field and press Enter. The subparameters shown in Table 122 are displayed.

Table 122 DO ASKOPER Subparameters




Text of the message to be sent to the operator.

AutoEdit variables can be included in the message. The maximum length for a message handled by a DO ASKOPER statement, after resolution of embedded AutoEdit variables, is 99 characters. If after resolution of AutoEdit variables the message is longer than 99 characters, the message is truncated and only the first 99 characters are sent to the specified location.


Routing code (from 1 through 128) by which to send the message. For information regarding routing codes, see KOA VTAM Exception Codes. Mandatory.

For additional information regarding routing and descriptor codes, see the IBM publication Routing and Descriptor Codes, GC38-1102.


2-character console ID where the message will be sent. Optional.


Name (not the ID) of the console where the message will be sent. A name of from 1 through 8 alphanumeric characters can be specified.

Note: If no CONSOLE name is specified, and no value is specified for the CONSOLEID subparameter, the message is issued on the master console of the current system.


If specified, the number of seconds (maximum 9999) to wait for the reply to the message, before continuing rule execution. If not specified, the default is 60 seconds. Optional.

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Rule Parameters