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IOA Calendar Facility ctoug2020

The IOA Calendar facility enables you to create, view, or modify calendar definitions.

Calendars simplify the scheduling of INCONTROL product jobs, missions, rules, and so on. When a particular schedule is used in many job scheduling, mission, or rule definitions, a calendar can be defined for that schedule, and the name of that calendar can be specified in all the job, mission, or rule definitions that use that particular schedule.

For example, calendars may be defined to handle the normal scheduling needs for workdays, holidays, weekends, beginning of month, end of month, and so on. Exception calendars may also be created.

A calendar definition consists of parameters that specify when scheduling occurs.

Calendar definitions are stored in members. A member usually contains multiple calendar definitions, as follows:

The IOA Calendar facility also enables the definition of varied work periods throughout the year, in special calendars called periodic calendars.

A calendar definition needs to be created only once. Once defined, the definition is saved and used as necessary for scheduling. Calendar definitions can be modified or deleted as required.

Any number of calendar members can be defined. Calendar members are stored in calendar libraries (partitioned data sets). Generally one calendar library is defined at time of installation, and referenced by the DACAL DD statement.

Note: The IOA Calendar facility does not support members that have been compressed using the ISPF PACK option.

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Online Facilities