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Display Filters Window

When you do not know the name of a filter, you can still activate a filter from the list of available filters by opening the Display Filters window. This window displays the list of all available filters. These include Global filters that are available to all users, as well as user-defined filters that are only available to the individual user. You can activate a filter from the Display Filters window, or switch to the IOA Log Show Screen window, where you can edit or define a filter.

To enter the Display Filters window, type SHOW ? in the COMMAND field of the IOA Log screen and press Enter. The screen shown in Figure 79 opens.

Figure 79 IOA Log Screen Display Filters Window

FILTER:            ---------------- IOA LOG  -------------------------------(5)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 060601 - 060601

DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    -------- M E S S A G E ------------------

060601 092144 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB CT085955 CT085955/01835 SCANNED   

060601 092144 060601 M22      SEL208I JOB CT085955 CT085955/01835 ENDED "OK"

060601 092150 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB CT085956 CT085956/01836 SCANNED   

060601 092150 060601 M22      SEL208I JOB CT085956 CT085956/01836 ENDED "OK"

060601 092156 060601 IVP      SPY254I JOB BRIVPCC  BRIVPCC /01843 SCANNED   

060601 092157 060601 IVP      SEL208I JOB BRIVPCC  BRIVPCC /01843 ENDED "OK"

060601 092157 060601 DBA      CTM659I FREE OF TASK BRCC0001 ODATE 060601     


060601 092201 060601 M22      SPY281I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 START      

                                      98253.1316 STOP 98253.1316 CPU 0MIN   

                                      00.04SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.19        

060601 092201 060601 M22      SPY254I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 SCANNED   

060601 092201 060601 M22      SEL206W JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ABENDED CC

                                      SB37 STEP STEP01                       

060601 092201 060601 M22      SEL219I JOB INTR0004 INTR0004/04371 ENDED "NOT


060601 092208 060601 IVP      SEL203I JOB BRCC0001 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN         

060601 092208 060601 IVP      SUB133I JOB BRCC0001 BRCC0002/01958 SUBMITTED  

060601 092208 060601 IVP      SEL203I JOB BRCC0002 ELIGIBLE FOR RUN         

CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      09.43.00

Fields of Display Filters Window

The Display Filters window contains the fields shown in Table 97.

Table 97 Fields of the Display Filters Window




Name of the filter as it appears in the General or user profile.


Description of the filter.

Options of the Display Filters Window

Table 98 shows the options available in the Display Filters window. To request one of these options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the filter name and press Enter.

Table 98 Options of the Display Filters Window




Filters the entries that are displayed in the Automation Log Screen according to the criteria specified in the selected filter.


Opens the IOA Log Show Screen window, where the filter criteria are displayed. You can modify the filter criteria.

Parent Topic

IOA Log Screen