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The SUBSYS Option

The SUBSYS option displays status and other information about all or selected operational MVS subsystems.

Subsystems (as defined in IBM systems) are groups of routines that act as extension of the operating system. Communication with these routines is established through specialized interface services designated as the Subsystem interface.

To obtain information about subsystems, type S (Select) to the left of the SUBSYS option in the Automation Options menu. The window shown in Figure 63 is opened.

Figure 63 Automation Options SUBSYS Option Window

--------< D >--------  CONTROL-O - AUTOMATION OPTIONS  -------------------(OA)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O OPTION                     DESCRIPTION

   COMMAND    Enter Console Command

   CONSOLE    Display Contents of MVS Console

   ENQ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

   GLO |                                                                    |

   OPE |                      Please Enter Parameters                       |

   SAM |                                                                    |

   SER |   SUBSYS. NAME  ===> ALL                                           |

S SUB |                                                                    |

===== +--------------------------------------------------------------------+===












SELECT AN OPTION AND PRESS ENTER                                      14.50.34

The window contains the following field:

SUBSYS. NAME — the name of the subsystem with the status to be displayed (from 1 through 4 characters). The value ALL displays the statuses of all subsystems, and is the default.

Change the default, if desired, and press Enter. The Subsystem Display screen is displayed.

Parent Topic

Automation Options Facility