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Swap Option Window

The SWAP Option window is used to swap between different versions of the Automation Log (that is, between the currently displayed log and a previous log that was backed up using the CTOALOCP utility).

Entering SWAP in the COMMAND field of the Automation Log screen opens the Swap Option window, which is shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46 Swap Option Window

-------------< D >------------- AUTOMATION LOG  ---------------------------(OL)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 020200 - 020200

DATE   TIME   JOBNAME  ------------------- M E S S A G E ----------------------

020200 144714 CONSOLE   D T

020200 144714 CONSOLE   D T

020200 144714 CONSOLE   D T

020200 144714 CON   +---------------------------------------------------------+

020200 144721 RES   |                                                         |

020200 144721 RES   |  DSN -->                                                |

020200 144751 TSO   |                                                         |

020200 144751 TSO   +---------------------------------------------------------+

020200 144756           626 ICH408I USER(M06C    ) GROUP(        ) NAME(???

020200 144756           626   LOGON/JOB INITIATION - USER AT TERMINAL

020200 144759 M06C      627 ICH408I USER(M06C    ) GROUP(        ) NAME(???

020200 144759 M06C      627   LOGON/JOB INITIATION - USER AT TERMINAL L3042

020200 144759 JES2      $HASP100 M06C     ON TSOINRDR

020200 144759 M06C      $HASP373 M06C     STARTED

020200 144800 M06C      IEF125I M06C - LOGGED ON - TIME=14.48.00

020200 144814 CONSOLE   D T

020200 144814 CONSOLE   D T

020200 144814 CONSOLE   D T

020200 144814 CONSOLE   IEE136I LOCAL: TIME=14.48.14 DATE=2000.157  GMT: TIME=

CMDS: SHOW, SHPF, ALL, LIMIT, LOCATE, TRACE, WRAP, SWAP                15.46.16

Type the name of an Automation Log data set in the DSN field and press Enter to request the change and close the window. The specified data set is displayed.

Note: Specified Automation Log data sets must have been created by the CTOALOCP utility.

If the DSN field is left blank, the default operational Automation Log is displayed.

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Automation Log Screen