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Exiting the Rule List Screen

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the Rule List screen. If changes have been made, the Exit Option window shown in Figure 27 is opened.

Figure 27 Rule List Screen Exit Option Window

RULES OF LIBRARY: CTO.PROD.RULES                                TABLE: $DSPOOL

COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR

OPT  R |                 PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                 |  ---------

     $ |                                                           |

     $ |     SAVE    CREATE                                        |

     $ |                                                           |

     $ |     LIBRARY CTO.PROD.RULES                                |

===== |     TABLE   $DSPOOL                                       |  <<<< ====

       |                                                           |


OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT                               17.05.45

You must type Y (Yes) or N (No) in one of the two exit options, SAVE or CREATE. It is possible to change the name of the library or the name of the table in the window. You will return either to the Table list or to the entry panel, depending on how you entered the Rule List screen.

Note: Changes made to rules in the table can be saved only by saving an entire table using the Exit Option window.

If you have entered an Exit Option window, but do not want to exit the Rule List screen, press PF04/PF16 (RESET). The Rule List screen is then displayed, and the table is not saved.

Parent Topic

Rule Definition Facility