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Scrolling Commands

Scrolling conventions are very similar to the ISPF conventions of IBM. The basic commands used for scrolling are shown in Table 21.

Table 21 Scrolling Commands






Scroll up (backward)



Scroll down (forward)

These commands can be entered by typing the command in the COMMAND field or by pressing the predefined PFKey.

The scrolling amount is determined by the content of the SCROLL field in the right corner of the screen header. Valid scrolling amounts are shown in Table 22.

Table 22 Scrolling Amounts in the SCROLL Field

Scrolling Amount



Scroll a full page.


Scroll a half page.


Scroll by cursor position. If the cursor is outside the data area, a full page is scrolled.


Scroll maximum available; for example, UP MAX scrolls to the top.

It is only necessary to type the first letter of the new amount in the SCROLL field in order to change the scrolling amount.

A scrolling amount other than that shown in the SCROLL field can be used by entering the amount directly after the scroll command itself, or by entering the scroll amount in the COMMAND field and pressing the appropriate scrolling PFKey. The scrolling amount in the SCROLL field remains unchanged.


If PAGE is the value in the SCROLL field, to scroll to the bottom, type M (MAX) in the COMMAND field and press PF08 (DOWN).

Parent Topic

Commands and PFKeys