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IOA Version Information

Enter INFO (or I) in the OPTION field of the IOA Primary Option menu to display the IOA Version Information window, as illustrated in Figure 4. This window lists the version and level of each INCONTROL product installed at the site, plus the CPU ID and current system date. The IOA Version Information window also identifies the unique IOA QNAME assigned to the site. For further information about the IOA QNAME, see the IOA operational parameters step, the IOAPLEX parameters step, and the adding IOA structures to the CFRM step, all in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide. Press Enter or END (PF03/PF15) to exit the window and return to the IOA Primary Option menu.

Figure 4 IOA Version Information

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)

OPTION ===>                                               USER        N06     


IOA                        CONTROL-D/V                CONTROL-O               


  4  COND-RES   |           IOA VERSION INFORMATION            | EFINITION   

  5  LOG        |                                              | ATISTICS     

  6  TSO        |   IOA                  Version 6.1.00        | TATUS        

  7  MANUAL CON |   IOAGATE              Version 6.1.00        | TION LOG     

  8  CALENDAR D |   CONTROL-M            Version 6.1.00        | TION OPTS   

IV  VARIABLE D |   CONTROL-M/RESTART    Version 6.1.00        |  STATUS      

                |   CONTROL-M/ANALYZER   Version 6.1.00        | CORDER      

                |   CONTROL-M/TAPE       Version 6.1.00        |              

                |   CONTROL-D            Version 6.1.00        |              

CONTROL-M & CTM |   CONTROL-V            Version 6.1.00        | ape         

                |   CONTROL-O            Version 6.1.00        |              

  2  JOB SCHEDU |                                              | EFINITION   

  3  ACTIVE ENV |                                              | EFINITION   

  C  CMEM DEFIN |   DATE  19.08.01  CPUID  02078D 7060         | DEFINITION   

                |   IOA QNAME  IOAR610                         | D MEDIA DB   

                |                                              | IN EXT VOL   




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