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Automation Options

Automation Options are a set of operator productivity tools that can be activated online. A menu of Automation Options is accessed through option OA in the IOA Primary Option menu. The Automation Options shown in Table 4 are provided with Control-O.

Table 4 Control-O Automation Options




Allows operator commands to be entered, and displays the command responses.


Displays the contents of active MCS consoles according to a specified console ID or name. The Console Display screen is a replica of the specified console.


Displays enqueue information, which is information about jobs that hold resources, and jobs that are waiting for resources. This option facilitates the tracking of resource contention problems between jobs so that when conflicts are resolved, overall efficiency of the site is improved.


Displays Control-O Global variables and their values according to specified selection criteria.


Displays a submenu of preset operator commands. Upon selection, commands are entered and the responses are displayed.


Sample implementations of Automation Options.


Allows online tracking and control of Control-O servers. Servers increase the efficiency and enhance the performance of TSO, KOA, and SHELL requests by eliminating the need to set up an environment for execution of each TSO, KOA, or SHELL request.


Displays a list of the MVS subsystems, their statuses, and their active functions.

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