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The DORULE Function – Control-O Rule Triggering

The DORULE function triggers specified Control-O rules.

The DORULE function is used to request services provided by Control-O rules.

The name of the ON RULE rule to be triggered, followed by its parameters, must be specified as arguments of the DORULE function.

In order to be able to specify the name of the Control-O LIBRARY and TABLE that contains the rule that should be used, you should include the following syntax before the DORULE request:

SETOLOC %%$XAMLB = controlo.tables

SETOLOC %%$XAMTB = table_name

In this syntax

The default in both cases is ALL, which means that Control-O will use the first rule found in the loaded rules with the name used in the DORULE regardless of the name of either the library or the table.

A Control-O rule triggered by the DORULE function shares its local variables with the triggering environment. Changes to AutoEdit variables made by the rule are returned to its caller (such as the REXX program) after the rule terminates and returns control.

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Functions of the XAM Interface