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The Control-O server may access many files or will perform many CLIST or REXX procedures, which cause storage fragmentation or accumulation in the user region. After some time (depending of the number of open, closed, or performing CLISTs and REXXs), the Control-O server may abend with S80A or S106, depending on where the fragmentation was created and what type of storage is required.

Performing a DO TSO process by an IBM service that does not release all system storage creates a storage accumulation.

BMC recommends stopping the server automatically with a Control-O rule before it issues abend S80A or S106. This can be done with an ON EVENT rule that does the following:


The servers do not need to be restarted, as they will restart upon the triggering of the next rule that performs a DO TSO, DO KSL, or DO SHELL.

Parent Topic

General Servers