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Restart Time Savings report (RPRSV)

The Restart Time Savings report lists job restarts by Control-M/Restart during the specified period. For each listed job restart, the report provides general information about the job and summary information about the execution time saved as a result of using a restart under Control-M/Restart instead of a job rerun. For each restart, the report displays the number of steps skipped, the elapsed time saved, and the CPU time saved.

Figure 14    Restart Time Savings report (RPRSV)


  DATE  09/09/00 TIME 10.20 PAGE 000001

                      *          RESTART TIME SAVINGS REPORT         *


             *** FROM DATE:      090800        TO DATE:      090900        ***



  |  DATE  |  TIME  |    JOB    |  JOB  |    STEP    |   # OF  | ELAPSED |   CPU     |

  |        |        |    NAME   |  ID   |    NAME    | SKIPPED |  TIME   |   TIME    |

  |        |        |           |       |            |  STEPS  |  SAVED  |   SAVED   |

  |        |        |           |       |            |         | (HH:MM) | (M:SS:HS) |


  | 090800 | 091657 |  R0014T01 | 02186 |  R0014T01  |    0    |  00:00  |   0:00:00 |


  | 090800 | 121834 |  R0006T01 | 02464 |  R0006T01  |    1    |  00:03  |   0:00:20 |


  | 090800 | 122656 |  R0007T01 | 02475 |  R0007T01  |    1    |  00:00  |   0:00:16 |


  | 090800 | 123215 |  R0008T01 | 02487 |  R0008T01  |    7    |  01:07  |   0:30:14 |


  | 090900 | 003818 |  R0009T01 | 03297 |  R0009T01  |    3    |  00:39  |   0:11:20 |


  | 090900 | 014309 |  R0010T01 | 03565 |  R0010T01  |    1    |  00:00  |   0:00:19 |


  | 090900 | 024911 |  R0011T01 | 03910 |  R0011T01  |    9    |  01:54  |   0:52:14 |



                                ******** END OF REPORT *********

Parent Topic

Using KSL with Control-M/Restart