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Special KSL Variables

Some KSL variables are reserved by, and have a special meaning for, KSL:

Table 6 Special KSL Variables




Passes the specified arguments to a called script. The number corresponds to the position of the argument in command CALLMEM. The argument is replaced throughout the called script member at invocation time.


Contains the return code specified in the RETURN command when returning from command CALLMEM. Also contains the return code from programs called by the CALL or EXEC commands.


Provides the return code of the result of the last FIND. If the last FIND was successful, has a value of 0. If the last FIND was unsuccessful, %FINDRC has a value of 4.


Specifies text assigned at script termination, which appears as a message in the job’s SYSLOG and the script execution listing. Only the value of variable %MSG at the script member issuing command END is displayed.


Supplies the return code of the script. The value at successful script termination is the condition code of the step. Valid values are: 0 through 4095.


Current column position of the cursor.


Current line position of the cursor.

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KSL commands and variables