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Special considerations

Mixed case characters - The Control-M Active Environment screen (screen 3) supports mixed case (uppercase and lowercase) characters. KSL also supports mixed case characters for this screen, and product-supplied scripts have been updated accordingly.

If you are using a modified script, or a script that does not support mixed-case characters, BMC recommends that you change your KSL scripts to be mixed case compatible. As an alternative, you may change the format of the screen to uppercase only in the $$ACT member in the IOA MSG library, but changing the screen might affect the performance of other KSLs.

KSL and customized screens - The performance or the accuracy of the output produced by a KSL script may be affected if you have customized the IOA screens in certain ways.

For example, if you change the OWNER field in the Job Scheduling Definition screen (Screen 2), to a protected field (from its default status as an unprotected field), KSL REPCTRDF will no longer operate correctly.

KSL script authorization - If the script is to execute successfully, the user submitting a KSL script must be authorized to perform the Online functions performed by the script.

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Using KeyStroke Language (KSL)