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AutoEdit System Variables

Note: In the following table, the t symbol following an AutoEdit System variable indicates that if the variable is specified without the $ in the prefix, the variable is still supported.

Table 30 AutoEdit System Variables



%%. t

Concatenation character

%%$BLANK  t

Resolves to one blank

%%$BLANKn t

Resolves to n blanks, where n is a number between 1 and 99.

%%$D2X num

Hexadecimal number resulting from the conversion of the decimal number num. The largest number that can be converted is 2147483647 (that is, 231 – 1).

For example: %%$D2X 4095 converts to ‘FFF’.

%%$DATE t

Current system date (format yymmdd).

%%$DAY t

Current system day (format dd).


Current system day (Julian format jjj).

%%$LENGTH varname t

Length of variable varname.

%%$MONTH t

Current system month (format mm).


MVS product version (eight characters) under which IOA is running. Examples: SP3.1.1, SP4.2.2

%%$NULL t

Indicates a null variable (a variable with length 0).


Return code from a %%$PARSE function. Indicated whether the parsed string matched all string patterns in the template. Possible values are:

  • 0 – The parsed string fully matched the string patterns in the template.
  • 4 – At least one string pattern in the template was not matched.

%%$RDATE t

Current working date (format yymmdd).

%%$RDAY t

Current working day (format dd).


Current working day of the year (Julian format jjj).


Current working month (format mm).

%%$RWDAY t

Current working day of the week. Format is d, where d is 1 through 6 or 0 (for example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 6=Friday, 0=Saturday).

Note: Start of the week depends on an IOA installation parameter specifying whether 1=Sunday or 1=Monday. For your site standard, see your INCONTROL administrator.

%%$RYEAR t

Current working year (format yy).

%%$SMFID tà

The SMF ID of the CPU running the KSL script.


Name of the IOA subsystem.

%%$SUBSTR varname pos len t

Substring of variable varname starting at position pos with length len.

%%$TIME t

Time of day (format hhmmss).

%%$UNDEF t

Indicates an undefined variable. This variable can be used:

  • To test whether a variable is defined:
    IF %%variable EQ %%$UNDEF
  • To delete a variable:
    SETOLOC = %%variable = %%$UNDEF

%%$WDAY t

Current system day of the week. Format is d, where d is 1 through 6 or 0 (for example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 6=Friday, 0=Saturday).

Note: Start of the week depends on an IOA installation parameter specifying whether 1=Sunday or 1=Monday. For your site standard, see your INCONTROL administrator.

%%$Wn varname t

The nth word (a comma or a blank can serve as a delimiter) of variable varname. n can be a value from 1 through 99. For example, %%$W3 %%MESSAGE represents the third word in the original user-defined message text.

%%$WORDS varname t

Number of words in variable varname. Delimiters are commas and/or blanks within the variable.

%%$X2D string

Numeric decimal string resulting from the conversion of the hexadecimal number string. The maximum number that can be converted is 7FFFFFFF. Example: %%$X2D FFF converts to ‘4095’.

%%$YEAR t

Current system year (format yy).

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AutoEdit Variables