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Loading and removing site information

The following functions are used for loading and removing site information:

Tab.JV.9.1 Functions used for loading and removing site information




The utility loads the information and creates a new shared object allocated in "above the bar" memory.

If a shared object already exists (as a result of a preceding REFRESH) and is not in use by a verification process, the shared object is removed, and a new shared object is created.

If a shared object already exists and is in use by a verification process, a new shared object is created. The memory of the old shared object will not be released until one of the next REFRESH or REMOVE executions finds it unused. (Note that this is not considered a problem and therefore no error message will be issued).

REFRESH is the default function.


Removes the shared object (if it exists), provided it is not currently in use by a running verification process.

An error message is issued if the shared object is not found or if it is found currently in use and therefore cannot be removed.

When the shared object is in use, the user can try using REMOVE again after a few seconds or minutes. Alternatively, the user can use REMOVEF, as described below.


Forcefully removes the shared object (if it exists) even if it is currently in use by a running verification process. An error message is issued if the shared object is not found.

Warning: Any running verification process that uses this shared object will abend.

After the running REMOVEF, stop and then restart the IOAOMON monitor, if it is already started.

The SCOPE parameter, used with the REFRESH, REMOVE, and REMOVEF functions, determines which data is loaded or removed. When SCOPE is set to ALL, the loading or removing function is applied to all Control-M JCL Verify tables and the rules listed in the CTJRULE, ENFRULES, and REFRULES members (located in the olprefj.PARM library). When SCOPE is set to RULES, the loading or removing function is applied to only to the rules listed in the CTJRULE, ENFRULES, and REFRULES members.

With the Control-M JCL Verify monitor, the operator can load or remove the basic site related information by using the following MODIFY commands:

To load the rules

To remove the rules

To forcefully remove the rules


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