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CTJMRFLW Return Codes

The following table explains the return codes for the CTJMRFLW utility:

Table JV7 CTJMRFLW Return Codes




Operation performed successfully.


Control-M JCL Verify discovered that the verified resource is not in the required status at the time of the verification. For example, an input dataset does not exist. Review the status and decide if there is a need to make a change in the job.


Control-M JCL Verify discovered a problem in the job that will cause it to fail with a JCL error or to be rejected by JES2 or JES3, either during job submission or execution. Correct the JCL in the job.


Error in the CTJMRFLW parameters or statements. Review the previous error messages in JOBLOG and SYSPRINT, and then correct the parameters or the control statements.

16 and above

Internal error in the Control-M JCL Verify product. Try again. If the problem reoccurs, contact BMC Customer Support.

Parent Topic

CTJMRFLW - JCL Job Flow Verification