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ON INIT: Event Selection Parameter

Specifies that the rule is triggered when a JCL job is about to be processed. If the member contains multiple jobs, the rule is triggered at the beginning of each job or procedure in the member. Used to initialize user variables (for example, counters). Relevant only for site standards and enforcement. Only supports the addition of new records in enforcement, using IAFTER and IBEFORE.

Optional. Type INIT in the ON field and press Enter.

The ON INIT statement does not require any subparameters so there are no selection fields displayed.

The following variables can be used with the ON INIT statement:

Variable Type



JCL statement (JOB card) variable


The job name taken from the JOB card

System variable


The comment card of the corresponding number:

  • %%$CMNT0 resolves to the total number of comment cards.
  • %%$CMNT1 resolves to the first comment card text.
  • %%$CMNTn resolves to the nth comment card text.

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Parameter Descriptions