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ON DD: Event Selection Parameter

Specifies that the rule is triggered by a DD statement. Used to validate the DD statement. Relevant only for site standards and enforcement. Enforcement differs from site standards in that enforcement will not be triggered on DD SYSIN with data instream and DD SYSOUT.

Optional. Type DD in the ON field and press Enter. The subparameters (selection Fields) shown below are displayed.

Tab.JV.3.21 ON DD Subparameters




The DD card name


The dataset referred to by the card


The specified dataset disposition. The valid values are:

  • For DISP field 1 one of the following: NEW, MOD, OLD, SHR
  • For DISP field 2 one of the following: DELETE, KEEP, CATLG, UNCATLG
  • For DISP field 3 one of the following: DELETE, KEEP, CATLG, UNCATLG


The specified UNIT


The specified Volume Serial.

There are four VOLSERS for each ON statement and the relation between these VOLSERS is OR logic, so that if at least one of the volsers satisfy the criteria, the DO statement will be activated.

If you use N (Not) at the END of the ON statement, it affects the next four VOLSERS.


One of the following classes:

  • DATA


Conjunctional subparameter that permits linking of ON statements. Valid values are:

  • O (Or) - Only one statement need be satisfied.
  • N (Not) - The condition in the following statement need not be satisfied.

The JCL statement (DD card) variables that can be used with the ON DD statement are shown below.

Tab.JV.3.22 ON DD variables




DD card DDNAME - Data definition name


Dataset name

Note: A temporary dataset, starting with a prefix of &&* and followed by a number, is used when the DSN keyword does not exist in the JCL DD statement.

In this case, the %%$DDDSN variable shows this temporary value.


               4 //NDSNDEV  DD   DISP=(NEW,PASS),                              

                  //         DCB=(LRECL=0080,BLKSIZE=3120,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS),   

                  //         SPACE=(TRK,(0001,0001),RLSE),                      

                  //         MGMTCLAS=TOTO                                      

CTJDSIW         4 WARNING: SPECIFIED MGMTCLAS TOTO does not exist. DSN=&&*00000001


Member name, if specified


Generation number, if specified


Number of qualifiers in dataset name


Qualifiers n in dataset name


Dataset data class value


Dataset management class value


Dataset storage class value


Dataset first disposition value


Dataset second disposition value


Dataset third disposition value


DD card type. If it is a DUMMY DD card, its value is D.


Dataset UNIT value


Dataset VOLUME value - n is the seq.


Number of Dataset VOLUME value


Dataset space unit


Dataset space primary value


Dataset space secondary value


Dataset space directory blocks value


Dataset DSORG value


Dataset RECFM value


Dataset LRECL value


Dataset BLKSZ value


Contains Y if the DD statement is part of a concatenation of DDs.


When %%$DDCONCAT is set to Y, this field contains the DD sequence number in the concatenation

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Parameter Descriptions