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In this example, if the account field in the job card is empty, we update it to "0000". The jobs that are tested are jobs that begin with PAY* and are submitted from PRD.PAY.ACCOUNT.DAILY.JOBS library from members that begin with DPAY*.

Fig.JV.3.28 DO SET Example



 | DESC       Enforces account information                                     |


 | JOBNAME PAY*____            _                                               |

 | LIBRARY  PRD.PAY.ACCOUNT.DAILY.JOBS__________________  MEMBER  DPAY*___     |

 | SCHDLIB                                              SCHDTAB          O/N   |


 | ON JOB           CLASS         PRTY          USER                           |

 | ACCOUNT                                                               O/N   |


 | IF %%JOB_ACT EQ ''                                                          |

 | DO MSG  TYPE E Account field is empty.Automatically filled with "0000".     |

 | DO SET  %%JOB_ACT = '0000'                                                  |

 | ENDIF                                                                       |


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DO SET: Action Parameter