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In this example, we ensure that all the datasets of the Payment Department jobs have a HLQ of PAYDY. After the test, the process calls the TEST1 user exit, with the arguments, ARG1, ARG2, and ARG3.

Fig.JV.3.27 DO REXX example



 | DESC       Checks files of payable jobs                                     |


 | JOBNAME PAY*____            _                                               |

 | LIBRARY  PRD.PAY.ACCOUNT.DAILY.JOBS__________________  MEMBER  DPAY*___     |

 | SCHDLIB                                              SCHDTAB          O/N   |


 | ON DD       *        DSN *                                                  |

 |    DISP                     UNIT            VOL                             |

 |    SMS CLASS DATA           STORAGE          MANAGEMENT               O/N   |


 | IF %%$SUBSTR %%$DDDSN 1 6 NE 'PAYDY.'                                       |

 | DO MSG  TYPE E Invalid HLQ for payable system files.                        |

 | ENDIF                                                                       |

 | DO REXX MEM TEST1 LIB SYS2.CLIST                                            |

 | PARM ARG1 ARG2 ARG3                                                         |


Parent Topic

DO REXX: Action Parameter