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DO KEYWORDS: Action Parameter

Specifies the start of the first keyword and the end of the last keyword and maximum number of keywords in a JCL statement. For reformatting only. The valid format is

KEYWORDS FROM start_value TO end_value # OF KEYWORDS max


Optional. Type KEYWORDS in the DO field, and press Enter. The FROM, TO, and # OF KEYWORDS fields are displayed. Enter valid values.

If the keyword extends beyond the end_value, but this keyword is the only one in this JCL record the end_value is ignored.

If there is only one long keyword in the JCL record, the end_value is ignored, if necessary.

If there is only one long keyword in the JCL record, which would extend beyond the 71st position, the starting position of the keyword is shifted to the right so that the keyword does not extend beyond the 71st position. If there is a comment, it is inserted after the keyword.

When DO KEYWORDS is not specified in the rule, the default is as follows:

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