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General Information

DO statements specify actions to be performed when the rule is triggered.

DO statements can be performed repetitively, or conditionally, or both repetitively and conditionally, for example, by using DO IF statements, as described in DO IF / DO ELSE / DO ENDIF: Action Parameter, or by using DO WHILE statements, as described in DO WHILE / DO ENDWHILE: Action Parameter.

Whenever a DO statement is specified, an empty DO statement is added after it. This allows specification of an unlimited number of DO statements.

To add an empty DO statement between two existing DO statements, specify the appropriate Line Editing command in the Edit environment. For more information on the Edit environment, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

To delete unwanted DO statements, either delete the DO action keyword and press Enter or specify the appropriate Line Editing commands in the Edit environment. For more information on the Edit environment, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

Various built-in functions are available for any of the DO statements that require textual input. For more information, see Built-in functions for DO statements.

Parent Topic

DO statement: Action Parameter