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Search Window

To display the Search Window, do the following:

Type the rule name.

Leave the table name blank or type the table name using mask characters (* or ?).

Press Enter.

The Search window, illustrated in the following figure, allows the user to search for the specified rule in tables of the specified library. Tables in which the rule has been found are then displayed in the Table List screen.

Fig.JV.3.3 Rule Definition Facility Entry Panel Search Window








 TABLE    ===>                      (Blank for table selection list)

 RULE     ===>                      (Blank for rule selection list)

 TYPE     ===>                      (Blank for site standards rules

                                     ENF - for enforcement rules

                                     REF - for reformatting rules)


                                      |                                         |

                                      |    PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:  |

                                      |                                         |

                                      |    1  - STOP SEARCH IMMEDIATELY         |

                                      |    2  - ASK AGAIN AFTER 000010 TABLES   |

                                      |    3  - UNCONDITIONAL SEARCH            |

                                      |                                         |

                                      |    NUMBER OF TABLES IN LIBRARY:  000015 |

                                      |    NUMBER OF SEARCHED TABLES:    000000 |

                                      |    NUMBER OF SELECTED TABLES:    000000 |

                                      |                                         |


 USE THE COMMAND SHPF TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                             13.10.26

To close the Search Window without performing any action, press PF03/PF15 (END).

To perform a search, select one of the following choices and press Enter:


   performs an uninterrupted search of all tables in the specified library. The search is stopped immediately when you select Option 1.


   searches the specified number of tables in the specified library, and then pauses. (The search number can be modified. The default is 10.)

Do one of the following:

If any tables are found, the Table List is displayed listing those tables.

During the search, the following information is displayed at the bottom of the window:

If any tables are selected during the search, the Table List is displayed listing those tables. If no tables are selected, the Search Window is closed and a message is displayed.

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