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Card data variables

Data variables are variables that contain data from the JCL card. For each JCL statement, there is a set of predefined variables representing the parameters of the specific JCL statement type. All the card data variables begin with %%$ to differentiate them from the user variables. The variables that are available with each JCL card are discussed in the relevant ON statement for each JCL card type later in the chapter.

Card data variables are available in the rule that processed them and in all the following rules until the same card is processed (and then the variables are set with the new card data).

If the data variable is not referenced in the card processed, the variable value would be set to null.

For example, the data from the JOB card is available to all the following cards in the job. The data from the EXEC card is available to all the DD cards that follow it until it is replaced with the next EXEC card data (which in turn would be available for all the DD cards that follow it).

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