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Activating the CTJPLAN Utility

You can activate the utility through a batch JCL. The following is a sample batch JCL used to invoke CTJPLAN:

// .... JOB ....

//      EXEC CTJPLAN,ODATE=odate



In the sample, the scheduling library is the Control-M installation scheduling library.

To specify another library, override the SCHEDLIB DD statement. For example, add the following statement:


When FA, FV and other parameters are not specified in the EXEC statement, CTJPLAN uses the default values according to the batch rules.

To specify an individual or multiple tables, add a SYSIN statement with the TABLES parameter. For example, adding the following statement will include all tables with either a abc or xyz prefix:

//SYSIN    DD   *

TABLES abc*,xyz*


Parent Topic

CTJPLAN - Scheduled JCL Job Verification