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CTMEVEX – Execute the actions of DSNEVENTs retrieved from SMF

The CTMEVEX utility is used in a process for recovering DSNEVENTs that were not handled during a CMEM outage or Control-O outage.

In general, the recovery process consists of the following stages:

  1. The CTMEVRT utility reads SMF records and creates the DAEVENTS file, which contains a list of DSNEVENTs that occurred during the outage period.
  2. The user edits the extracted DAEVENTS file as required.
  3. The edited DAEVENTS file serves as the input to the CTMEVEX utility, which executes the actions of the CMEM/Control-O rules that were not handled during the CMEM/Control-O outage.

After reviewing and editing, if necessary, the list of the extracted events and the actions that would consequently be triggered, the user runs CTMEVEX on the LPAR that experienced the CMEM/Control-O outage. The CTMEVEX utility executes the rules’ DO COND actions using IOACND and the DO FORCEJOB actions using CTMJOB.

The CTMEVEX utility performs the execution process in the following stages:

  1. Reading the DAEVENTS file and converting it to commands.
  2. IOACND executes the DO COND commands.
  3. CTMJOB executes the DO FORCEJOB commands.

The following JCL sample for running CTMEVEX can be found in the CTM JCL library. It uses the CTMEVEX procedure in the IOA PROC library:




//*  This is the third stage:                                           

//*           Execute the extracted DSNEVENTs actions                   


//*  This utility executes the DO actions of the events extracted       

//*  by CTMEVRT in the previous stage.                                 

//*  CTMEVEX executes the rules DO COND actions using IOACND and the    

//*  DO FORCEJOB actions using CTMJOB.                                 


//*  The CTMEVEX utility performs the execution process in the following

//*  stages:                                                            

//*  1. Reading the DAEVENTS file and converting it to commands.        

//*  2. IOACND executes the DO COND commands.                           

//*  3. CTMJOB executes the DO FORCEJOB commands.                      


//* ** Prior to running this step please review the extracted **        

//* ** events and their matching DO actions as listed in the  **        

//* ** DAEVENTS DD. Make sure that the actions to be executed **        

//* ** are still required and will not interfere with current  **       

//* ** CMEM/Control-O processing.                              **        



//* 1. CONVERT EVENTS DO ACTIONS TO COMMANDS                            

//CTMEVEX  EXEC CTMEVEX,SIMULATE='YES'                                 


//DACNDIN  DD   DISP=(,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(2,1)),DSN=&&DACNDIN           

//DAJOB    DD   DISP=(,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(2,1)),DSN=&&DAJOB              

//* 2. EXECUTE CONDITION COMMANDS                                       

//IOACND   EXEC IOACND,COND=(0,NE,CTMEVEX.CTMEVEX)                      

//DACNDIN  DD   DSN=&&DACNDIN,DISP=(SHR,DELETE)                         

//* 3. EXECUTE FORCEJOB COMMANDS                                        


//         INCLUDE MEMBER=&IOAENV                                       

//DAALOCIN DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=&DAALOCIN(ALCMJOBP)                        

//DAJOB    DD   DSN=&&DAJOB,DISP=(SHR,DELETE)                           

The DO actions are processed based on the ODATE of the date and time on which the event occurred (taken from the generated events file) and not based on the actual machine date/time at the utility execution (this would allow the conditions and jobs to be processed with the ODATE they were supposed to be associated with if CMEM/Control-O was up and running when the event occurred).

A simulation mode is provided through the SIMULATE parameter. When running in simulation mode the utility lists the commands to IOACND and CTMJOB but does not execute them (in simulation mode the converter step ends with return code 4 that prevents the IOACND and CTMJOB steps from running due to their COND definition).

For examples of a recovery scenario, see the Control-M Event Manager (CMEM) chapter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide or the Overview of the Rule Parameters chapter in the Control-O for z/OS User Guide.

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Control-M Utilities