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The DSNEVEXL member, located in the CTM PARM library, contains a list of dataset name masks and job name masks to be excluded from all DAEVENTS list outputs. Optional; member exists by default but can be removed.

The member contains EXCLJOB and EXCLDSN statements for permanently excluding job and dataset names that are common in SMF files, but are irrelevant to the DSNEVENT recovery process (for example, temporary data sets). Excluding these job and data set names results in better utility run times. These EXCLJOB and EXCLDSN statements are in addition to the ones provided in the SYSIN statement.

Each EXCLJOB and EXCLDSN statement is listed on a separate line, starting at position 1. The rest of the line, after the job or dataset name mask is ignored and can be used as a comment. Any line beginning with an * will be treated as a comment.

The following is the default content of the DSNEVEXL member:


*                                                                     *

*            JOB AND DATA SET NAMES EXCLUDE LIST FOR                  *

*                     UTILITY CTMEVRT                                 *

*                                                                     *

* Each line in the file represents a separate exclusion case.         *

*                                                                     *

* Lines with * in 1st column are considered a comment.                *

*                                                                     *

* Possible statements are:                                            *

* EXCLJOB - Specifying a job name or job name mask                    *

* EXCLDSN - Specifying a data set name or data set name mask          *

*                                                                     *

* Each parameter begins in column 1 on a new line. The rest of        *

* the line, after the job or data set name is ignored and can be      *

* used for a comment.                                                 *

*                                                                     *

* Parameters use positions from 1 to 71.                              *

*                                                                     *

* Values cannot be continued on the next line.                        *

*                                                                     *



Parent Topic

Input to CTMEVRT